Say Goodbye too Chris Brown, this picture is awful, and speak to what kind of monster this kid is. The Greasy folks at TMZ have managed to snag the first picture of the "Friday Night Fight" and couldn't have picked a better time. Rhianna turned 21 today Feb 20th. And by the the looks of these pictures she has a lot to be thankful for she still has her face. Based on the scars this girl took a beaten like a Man. Thank God these scars should heal soon. As for her Heart and her Mental state with the right counseling she can get that back too.
Our Prayers go out to this girl and wish her a speedy recovery
As for Chris Sleazy this little piece of Shi!! needs to be behind bars. At the request of the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office, the R&B star is being investigated for a variety of felonies, including domestic violence, assault resulting in great bodily injury and—based on specific allegations made by Rihanna—even attempted murder, a source close to the L.A. Police Department's investigation tells E! News.
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That is awful!!! He needs to be put up under the jail!!
words can't describe how awful this is.
omg!! omg!!
I feel so bad for her. I will also pray for her too
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