Earlier this week, New York’s Daily News reported that Madonna’s attempts to adopt again could be hindered due to her love life. “
Our official policy is that we do not encourage our children to be sent into broken homes,”OK she just got treated ordinary. A senior official from Malawi’s Ministry of Women and Child Welfare Development said of the singer, who has romanced 22-year-old model Jesus Luz and Alex Rodriguez since divorcing Guy Ritchie last year. “Her relationships may negatively affect the adoption of Mercy.

A Malawi judge has rejected Madonna’s bid to adopt another child from the African country, according to the AP. A judge and lawyer, speaking to the AP anonymously, reportedly said the bid was shot down due to a requirement that prospective parents live in Malawi for at least 18 month before they can adopt. A judge waived that rule when Madonna took her adopted son David with her to London in 2006. It is unclear why Judge Esme Chombo ruled differently this time.
Madonna’s attempt to adopt 3-year-old Chifundo “Mercy” Who Mom is deceased and Dad no were in sight. Mercy James has created outcry amongst activists who claim the girl would be better off with relatives. They feel that since Madonna is pumping all this money in there country the little girl will be find either way and can benefit from the funding.
If Madonna can afford to adopt another fascinating black child and give them a stable home with a privileged upbringing…why would they have a problem with that?Hey Madge you can adopt me and my dog!! (Just given options)