You never saw it on TV, but Tango and I used to spend a lot of time together at night," Pollard told The Post. "And an hour-long show is never enough to fit everything in."
New York chose Tango over Chance, a music producer, after whittling down a field of 20 suitors with the help of her opinionated mom, Sister Patterson.
In the over-the-top finale last night, Chance and Tango threatened to kill each other during a three-way date in Mexico and had to be separated until the final elimination.
"My mom really did like Tango," coos New York. "He's very religious, but he's also got a bad side and I like that - there's enough of him to go around."
The episode was filmed about four months ago, and the pair haven't been allowed to see each other since. They've kept in touch, says New York, by talking on the phone and e-mailing each other dirty pictures.

"I can't believe she told you about that," says Tango, who's seriously considering moving from his home in Tampa, Fla., to be with New York in Los Angeles. They were planning to watch the finale together last night in California, he says.
"I might be based out of Tampa, but I'm seriously considering relocation, I decided I would go for broke on the show, and I'm not gonna look back," he says.
"Tango is gonna have to make some time for New York now," says New York. "He's got some work to do."