Gossip, Entertainment, Fashion, Music, News all chopped up and screwed. "All that Glitter Is Not Glitz!!
I’m declaring that I’m here. The album is a new sound for me. I found out so much about myself working with new people. Everything had kind of been in-house for me, so I was used to having a security blanket—like Linus from Peanuts with his blue blanket. I’m declaring that it’s been four years and a lot of people had questions, but I’m here, baby.
"I am a Christian. I am a student of all religions. And I respect all people and all paths." "I don't necessarily believe in organized religion. I love my God, my higher power, but it is mine and mine alone, and I create my connection, and I decide how my connection is going to be," he added."The scool is called the New Village Academy to visit there site (Click Now) ************************************************************************************ HOUSE OF GLITZ: AND YOU ARE WITH A CULT..(JK ..JUST KIDDING)..INTERESTING..!! "SNAP FOR THE KIDS"
'I was supposed to go on tour with the last album." The tour dubbed the "Rock Witchu" tour (it's a song on her new album, and ironically one of her brother, Michael Jackson's biggest hits as well). She said, ''It will definitely be a big production. Once the actual dates are announced we will let you know.Read More (click now) Janet Made the announcement on Ellen yesterday see below video below. ************************************************************************************ HOUSE OF GLITZ: Now this is exciting..Looking forward to this
“Spotlight” was written by Ne-Yo, who co-produced along with Stargate. Timbaland, Robin Thicke, the Underdogs, Diane Warren, and Christopher “Tricky”Stewart are among the album’s contributors. Also check out Jennifer Hudson in her role as Carries assistant in the new Sex In The City Movie due out May 30th. LISTEN TO SPOTLIGHT (Click Now)
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