*Not only did Bishop Thomas Weeks plead guilty Tuesday to attacking his estranged wife, Juanita Bynum, but he also offered her an apology in open court.
"I want to apologize to my wife for all actions you had to go through," Weeks said, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper. "I know it has been difficult. I appreciate you and I thank you."
In copping to aggravated assault, Weeks admitted that he grabbed Bynum, threw her to the ground and kicked her during an Aug. 21 altercation in the parking of the Renaissance Concourse Hotel, the paper reports.
Fulton County Superior Court judge T. Jackson Bedford sentenced Weeks to non-church related community service and anger management classes. Once he completes both conditions, the aggravated assault conviction will be expunged from his record.
HOUSE OF GLITZ: Long story short he got a slap on the hand ..or shall I say they they just pulled his hands off her neck and told him not to do it again..