Gossip, Entertainment, Fashion, Music, News all chopped up and screwed. "All that Glitter Is Not Glitz!!
The B’Phone features a dual-sided design with a burgundy and gold color body. The B’Phone comes complete with a preloaded special Beyonce-styled start-up screen. Consumers who purchase the B’Phone will receive exclusive access to premium video and music content.
"I posted this earlier this week Essecence photo shoot without sound from Man-eka but check this "B" in full action so you understand were I'm coming from you can tell she thinks she has come up (which she has)...BUT NOW THE REAL MAN COMES OUT WITHOUT THE EKA...!!"(EXIBIT A) ****************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: A VIDEO SAYS A THOUSAND WORDS...!!..MAN-EKA WILL BE THE CAUSE OF USH DECLING CAREER IF HE DOESN'T WATCH OUT... USH GROW SOME BALLS...I'M JUST GOING TO LET IT BURN..!!
"Bobby is doing good. He is in good spirits. It's a serious condition, and I'm very concerned about him. Bobby is very happy with the outpouring of calls and messages.We ask people to keep him in their thoughts and prayers." As for this Saturday's performance at the Taste of Soul, she says "He has all of the intention to perform, but it's not clear yet if he will be able to do it." ******************UPDATE******************** Sources spoke to Brown this afternoon, who told him
"Every thing's all right with me. I got a clean bill of health and everything's fine," he says. "I'm ready to get on this road and do these shows and take care of what I gotta take care of."sources has learned that singer Bobby Brown was hospitalized last night in what we're told is a "heart attack scare." We're told Bobby felt some tightening in his chest and tingling in his arm and had his girlfriend/manager, Alicia, take him to the hospital. He was staying with his father in Tarzana, Calif. when he felt ill, and was transported to Tarzana Regional Medical Center, where he was still hospitalized.
“I’m writing a book on my journey of weight loss and weight gain. “I’m really coming from the soul with it, and what I was going through at different times in my life and what possibly brought it about for myself.” “I could not believe how big I was, how heavy I really was. I would see myself in the mirror, but I wouldn’t look too often. I didn’t want to get used to that image.”. OK 1st let me start by saying I love Janet but if it's hard for me not to believe that there wasn't any surgery a.k.a lipo involved in her weight loss. ************************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: She's suspect on this one???
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