Gossip, Entertainment, Fashion, Music, News all chopped up and screwed. "All that Glitter Is Not Glitz!!
According to Haney: “Steve’s first step began with making up his mind that he wanted to change the way he looked. Steve’s changes show how you too can change your body through exercise, good nutrition, and faith.”********************************************************************************* HOUSE OF GLITZ: "LOOKING GOOD"..!!
On Porshla's Relationship With His Daughters At 25, Coleman enjoys being with Simmons' two daughters. "They are beautiful, beautiful kids," Coleman says of Ming Lee and Aoki Lee, adding that she enjoys story-telling learned from her mother. "My children adore her," Simmons says. Russell On His Daughter's Relationship With Djimon "The girls love Djimon, which is inspiring to me. I don't think we could have found a better person than Djimon. He's such a sweet guy. I've said that from the beginning."
"He's a reality check for me, and I'm a fabulosity check for him"the fact that Kimora was not looking for a relationship when she ran into the West African-born fashion model turned Oscar-nominated actor turned Calvin Klein model Djimon Hounsou in L.A. last February. He had just been nominated for his role as an enslaved African fisherman in Blood Diamond. "When you're not looking, that's when it happens," Kimora says with such authority that, though many people have said so before, it seems true only when it comes out of her mouth. "And I have a lot of hang-ups in life with men. I'm not very trusting," she says enigmatically. "Rightfully so. Read between the lines." So Kimora gave Djimon her number. "I'm very good at exchanging numbers with people for business, and that's what I did," Kimora recalls. "He said, 'Are you really going to use that number, or are you going to use it for business?' That made me think, Oh." Her eyes dance. A few days later, Djimon texted her; she called him immediately. "I'm so over that new thing of talking to everyone on the pager," Kimora says. "I'm much more into old-world, intimate conversations on the phone. I like to write letters." Such a great article to read entire article (Click Now) ********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: I like them together they are cute..,!!
“Yes, it’s a girl!” Grier, 52, told Usmagazine “We’re very happy.”(Actress Courtney Thorne-Smith had a baby boy the same day.) (CLICK NOW)
Next for baby watch is ..Halle Berry, J-lo, & Jessica Alba, Nicole Kidman the disease is spreading ..QUICK CLOSE YOUR LEGS..!!!********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: WOW...LET THERE BE LIFE..!!! CONGRADS TO ALL THE NEW SEEDS THAT HAVE ENTERED THE WORLD..!!
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