Gossip, Entertainment, Fashion, Music, News all chopped up and screwed. "All that Glitter Is Not Glitz!!
Actor-director Tyler Perry covers this month’s issue of Ebony magazine.
Our home girl Perry made a guest appearance this week on Conan O’Brien to promote his newest flick titled ‘The Family That Preys’ in theaters today.
In this video clip from the show, Miss Perry wonders aloud why women flock to his football player friends but not to him. Although I would not per sue him for romantic purposes, I definitely would be trying to be his B.F.F.!! His Money is "Fine As Hell".
Kanye West acting a fool at LAX today. I’m glad thaf fiieerrce Louis backpack didn’t get damaged in the light dust up.
Kanye West and his road manager Don C. were arrested Thursday morning at L.A.X airport. Both men were charged with felony vandalism in an incident involving paparazzi.
The rapper and his friend were waiting at security for a flight to Hawaii when an altercation with a photographer and videographer ensued. West and Don C. have since been released from police custody on $20,000 bail.*********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: I love it..!! If you are a Bitch why not do it in style confront someone while wearing you LV bag and a hootie. We shall call this "Couture Gangsta"
"If Were A Boy"The certified diva who claims she is so over being a pop star, was spotted down in Harlem on the set of her new video, rocking a police uniform. New York post photographers were on the scene and noted: Beyoncé cops some attitude in Harlem yesterday morning as she films a portion of her new video, “If I Were a Boy.” But even the uniform can’t conceal that a boy she’s not. **********************************************************************************
"You couldn't tell she was pregnant when she was sitting down,"said the source. Usher & Man-eka baby Usher Jr. Born in Nov 07 this will be Man-eka 5th child 3 from a previous marriage. Read More (Click Now) ********************************************************************************* HOUSE OF GLITZ: She planned this ..Having 2 kids per year is not going to save your marriage girl..but it will Fat ting your Ass & your pockets only!!
Smh, this is a lot more popular than people can imagine. People have severe insecurities and think things like bleach can male them appear more attractive when it really won’t. It should be against the law to bleach the skin of your children.
************************************************************************************* HOUSE OF GLITZ: I have officially heard it all for today..!! "Girl Stop"!.. This is so sad that this mother is doing this too her Children and it speaks to the state of some African Americans who are still unhappy of the skin they are in.Janet Jackson kicked off her Rock Witchu Tour on Wednesday at the GM Place in Vancouver, B.C. Featuring more than five costume changes and 30 chart-topping hits including “Rhythm Nation,” “Control,” and “Let’s Wait Awhile,” the Rock Witchu Tour will crisscross the United States stopping in various cities including Oakland, Los Angeles, Dallas, Boston, Washington, D.C., New York, Atlanta, and San Diego.
“I’m gonna go hang out with some ho’s, write some music, make some movies, continue to kick it.”Well in so many uncertain words! Read More (click now)
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