Besides the fact you might wanna keep your legs closed a little bit longer, because ugh he's going to get bored what else is there to learn from her she never speaks she's mute?? The short fling ..Paparazzi friendly ex-couple was once a red carpet favorite ended earlier this year and helped to launch Amber's 15 minutes of fame.
Yeah man, it was an amazing time and it came to an end,” Kanye told Angie Martinez on New York radio station Hot 97.

“One of the greatest things that she showed me was just to be a nicer person because she was so disconnected from the concept of celebrity when I first met her,” he said. “A celebrity could be talking to people crazy and everyone’s used to it at the label like, ‘He’s wildin’ out. It doesn’t matter.’ [Amber] be like, ‘What?! You just talked to your fans so crazy right now. I’m not even talking to you right now.’”
His relationship with Amber helped him mature and taught him a valuable lesson. “I grew from that. I think that was the greatest growth that I got from that experience,” ‘Ye revealed. “My goal in life is to really have an amazing woman and have a family, but I think I had to go through these different things to grow.”
While he doesn’t harbor any ill will toward his former girlfriend, he insisted that he won’t be dating any more of her type. “That was a one-off,” he laughed.
Mr. West is taking his next relationship more seriously and sees a family in his future. “I’m not trying to dive into anything unless I really, really think that I can marry this person. I look at this person and I say, ‘This is how I want my daughter to be.’
1 comment:
kanye's gay just like his ex!!!!!!
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