Living proof anybody can get a man. You can be an Anorexia, Heroin shooting, Crackhead smoking, Jail House rock singing, bee hive wearing chick and still come up with at Boo!!
Amy Winehouse was spotted getting awfully cozy with her bodyguard Neville during a weekend trip to Caribbean vacation island St. Lucia over the weekend. They walked up and down the beach until Winehouse settled into a spot, and ambivalently lost her top as peeping paparazzi clicked away. (Ughhh..I just lost my Lunch at the thought.)
The Crackhead-soul singer, according to the UK Sun, is rumored to be fond of the island and might buy a house there in the near future
she looks a mess
she looks a mess
she looks like an old wrinkled lil old lady
Boy that thang looks so nasty
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