BIG ANNOUNCMENT.... Okay, so everywhere I go people are always asking me, "Tyler, how can I get in one of your plays, your movies or even on House of Payne?"
So here's what I've decided to do. You know that I love great singers and most of the people that I work with are singers. If you are a SINGER (SINGERS ONLY--no poetry, no rap--SINGERS ONLY) If you are currently with a Band or have a band no go looking for fresh new talent and you think that you have what it takes to be in one of my shows here is what you need to do.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPlease follow these instructions very carefully because we have set a system in place. So you have to follow them to the letter.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1. Send a video of you singing one song
2. The song must be sung a cappella--no music, no tracks, no band--just your voice.
3. Before you start to sing the song you must say your full name, phone number and age.
4. You must be 18 years or older by May 18, 2007.
5. The song that you sing has to be either from one of my plays or one of my movies (no exceptions).
6. You are the only one that can be on the video.
7. The video must be in either VHS tape format or DVD 8. Mail the video via regular US Mail. No Fedex, No UPS, No registered mail.
The mailing address to send the mail to is:
541 10th St. PMB 122
Sorry your videos WILL NOT BE RETURNED TO YOU.
Also your image and video may be used on a live taping of one of my shows
Hi Mr.Perry this is a very happy fan.I have been singing every since i could talk. Singing has always been my passion. i really respect you and every thing you do. You are my insperation. I think of you when im down and out and thinking things cant get any worse. When i watch your plays they always remind me that no matter how bad things get you always have to look for the positive. I want to thank you for being a great man of God and a great actor/
Hi Mr.Perry this is a very happy fan.I have been singing every since i could talk. Singing has always been my passion. i really respect you and every thing you do. You are my insperation. I think of you when im down and out and thinking things cant get any worse. When i watch your plays they always remind me that no matter how bad things get you always have to look for the positive. I want to thank you for being a great man of God and a great actor/
Talk about discrimination! Just singers. What ever happened to REAL TALENT! People who work daily to form their craft and to make it great. They just get pushed to the back. Pretty crappy if you ask me.
I agree with the above comment. One thing I'd like to add though is Tyler is very discriminative because he only wants blacks in his movies. You NEVER see a casting call for whites. And here he was just talking about how whites did kids wrong. He needs to take a look in the mirror.
I dont believe the comments that were just made above. it has nothing to do with color. if the story line requires a 25 year old female with short brown hair and long legs, dont expect things to change because YOU audition and you have none of the above. You just have to audition when you meet the requirements of the role. Not to mention thats how they do it in hollywood, if you dont fit the part, you dont fit the part, dont be mad be glad and keep trying... by the way Tyler thank you and keep blessing us with those powerful messages through you work and keen eye.
I'm not certain if this is the right page for this, but my web site is
Hey there! I just entered this contest and would love for you and a few friends of yours to cast on a popularity vote for me at: Thanks so much
Hello Mr. Perry, My name is Melabeu Cheriece. My family and I are some of your greatest fans!! :) I'm a nEw, FresH and up-coming talent who's done some work in commercials, theatre, print, magazine, ect... I would love to become a part of your family, of acters and actresses. My contact info. is at: Thank yoU so much for your time. Hope to hear from you soon :)
hello mr. perry i am such a big fan i've been watching you when i was 7yrs old now im 11 years old. if your loking for talent i could give you talnet i could sing really good somewhere in between jeniffer hudson and alicia keys. a little bit. also, i could dance, sing, and act, i could act on your movie whats done in the dark i could do the whole thing without the script, well thats if i need it. so i hope you pick me i'll be a great act for you i could probably sing the tyler perry house of payne theme song
Hello T.P. my entire family are huge fans of yours and all we can say is continue to let go and let GOD!you can never please everyone and you have more than enough common sense not to even try.God Bless from the whole KING FAMILY!all over DET,CHICAGO,SOUTHBEND,WASHINGTON, etc.
Hey Mr.Perry its velvit taper I can act and sing very well I would love to be part of your cast you can find me on Facebook thanks I'm looking foward to working with you
hi mr.perry i have been seaching all over the internet for a singing cereer for over three years and havent found anything so i hope you read my comment and get back too me at 5182806717
Get Twitter Buttons twitter buttonsIf you don't yet have a profile, it's quick and easy to set up and takes all of two minutes. Once I've approved your request, you'll have full access to the latest of what the site has to offer!!! (Click the image to join)
Thank you for the opportunity.
why only singer's!!!
I cant sing but I CAN ACT!!!
Hi Mr.Perry this is a very happy fan.I have been singing every since i could talk. Singing has always been my passion. i really respect you and every thing you do. You are my insperation. I think of you when im down and out and thinking things cant get any worse. When i watch your plays they always remind me that no matter how bad things get you always have to look for the positive. I want to thank you for being a great man of God and a great actor/
Hi Mr.Perry this is a very happy fan.I have been singing every since i could talk. Singing has always been my passion. i really respect you and every thing you do. You are my insperation. I think of you when im down and out and thinking things cant get any worse. When i watch your plays they always remind me that no matter how bad things get you always have to look for the positive. I want to thank you for being a great man of God and a great actor/
Talk about discrimination! Just singers. What ever happened to REAL TALENT! People who work daily to form their craft and to make it great. They just get pushed to the back. Pretty crappy if you ask me.
I agree with the above comment. One thing I'd like to add though is Tyler is very discriminative because he only wants blacks in his movies. You NEVER see a casting call for whites. And here he was just talking about how whites did kids wrong. He needs to take a look in the mirror.
im mad i love TP and i can sing and act but im only 14 i'll be 15 in may but i hate that he look for people 18 and older
I dont believe the comments that were just made above. it has nothing to do with color. if the story line requires a 25 year old female with short brown hair and long legs, dont expect things to change because YOU audition and you have none of the above. You just have to audition when you meet the requirements of the role. Not to mention thats how they do it in hollywood, if you dont fit the part, you dont fit the part, dont be mad be glad and keep trying... by the way Tyler thank you and keep blessing us with those powerful messages through you work and keen eye.
Thank you Tyler Perry for your new auditions for actors, not just singers, I look forward to working with you.
I'm not certain if this is the right page for this, but my web site is
Hey there! I just entered this contest and would love for you and a few friends of yours to cast on a popularity vote for me at:
Thanks so much
Hello Mr. Perry,
My name is Melabeu Cheriece. My family and I are some of your greatest fans!! :) I'm a nEw, FresH and up-coming talent who's done some work in commercials, theatre, print, magazine, ect... I would love to become a part of your family, of acters and actresses. My contact info. is at:
Thank yoU so much for your time. Hope to hear from you soon :)
hello mr. perry i am such a big fan i've been watching you when i was 7yrs old now im 11 years old. if your loking for talent i could give you talnet i could sing really good somewhere in between jeniffer hudson and alicia keys. a little bit. also, i could dance, sing, and act, i could act on your movie whats done in the dark i could do the whole thing without the script, well thats if i need it. so i hope you pick me i'll be a great act for you i could probably sing the tyler perry house of payne theme song
Hello T.P. my entire family are huge fans of yours and all we can say is continue to let go and let GOD!you can never please everyone and you have more than enough common sense not to even try.God Bless from the whole KING FAMILY!all over DET,CHICAGO,SOUTHBEND,WASHINGTON, etc.
hey i can act and sing and i love your plays and it would be a joy to work with you
hey i can act and sing and i love your plays and it would be a joy to work with you
Hey Mr.Perry its velvit taper I can act and sing very well I would love to be part of your cast you can find me on Facebook thanks I'm looking foward to working with you
hi mr.perry i have been seaching all over the internet for a singing cereer for over three years and havent found anything so i hope you read my comment and get back too me at 5182806717
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