new girlfriend Alicia Etheridge. Well, apparently, Alicia is also his new manager (and maybe his fiancee?). Way to keep a lock on that cash!
According to C.J. who writes for the Star Tribune, Alicia, who moved in with Bobby after his breakup with ex-wife Whitney Houston, is very definitely running things. She almost looks like a lighter version of Whitney. C.J. was invited to attend a recent Bobby Brown concert at Trocaderos in downtown Minneapolis.
Before the show, Trocaderos' CEO, Shane Segal, introduced me to Brown.
He looked nervous, so I want to know how he was feeling. "Good," Brown said. A woman, a Slenderoni, if you will, about one-third the size of Brown's stage dance partner, said, "Wait until he comes off, OK. You can talk to him when he comes off [stage]." Segal got a kick out of seeing me blown off by the woman he called "the girlfriend. "She's got spunk," Segal said. "You've got to like that." Moments later I noticed the backstage door being held open. Outside, Brown was pacing.
I asked Bobby whether he was dating these days. "No, no, no, C.J. You can't do that right now. No personal questions. Not before the show. Absolutely, no," said a guy I as-sume was a Trocaderos staffer. Why not? "That's part of the contract we've got with him, no personal questions."
Just then, the Slenderoni returned. Are you Bobby's girlfriend? I asked. "His manager," she said. OK, then, "manager." Brown's "manager" looks a lot like the woman some gossip sources believe will be his next wife. In Touch Weekly has written: "Bobby Brown is wasting no time getting hitched again. Bobby is ready to propose to his live-in girlfriend, Alicia Etheridge."
who cares!!
Who cares? He looks a hot mess. Clearly she is with him for advancement of her own career, oops, that is if she has one. Looks like she is some cheap chic! He looks like he's on crack! What a combo
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