Gossip, Entertainment, Fashion, Music, News all chopped up and screwed. "All that Glitter Is Not Glitz!!
"I don't want to be an actor, I want to be a baseball player. But I want to be on the show to get to know my family."His mother, Laurie Holmond, told the Star, I asked him [Snoop] to start seeing Julian again. He sounded sincere but has yet to come by... Calvin needs to acknowledge him Read More (Click Now). *********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: Show your seed some love Nephew..!! This is what happens when you make a family with your jump off..!!
“They’re getting married on 28 December in Tahiti. The wedding will be intimate, with just immediate family and a few friends.”Read More (Click Now) *********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: I'm sure we will see the pics next week, they probably already have sold the 1st pics to Essence or somebody..!!...Do you think this will last or too soon??....!! Either way good for them.
I wanted a girl really bad, and I knew I wasn't going to try again. That could have really messed me up.Run added,
She's brought so much energy to the house. My wife cried the other day when Miley busted out laughing. It's heaven to have this baby come into our house at this time, at ChristmasRead More (Click Now) ********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: THIS IS WONDERFUL..!! I look forward to seeing the new edition on the show in January ..!!
each other. I cherish her and want to cater to her every need. But I’m not a doormat. We have a good balance.”Better balance than the reality star had with her last fiance, I Love New York season one victor "Tango," we hope who escaped unharmed.!! Read More (Click Now) ********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLIZ: I love man on man love...I'm sure this is a publicity stunt just so they can get another WHACK ASS!! reality show..?? ..We will see if this Man Love will last..!! toast to "Lace Fronts"..!!
"All the allegations they made are false," said Stokes, who currently manages Houston and Omarion through his firm, the Ultimate Group Entertainment. "I'm not gay. And I'm married. And I have four kids. I've been with my wife for 16 years. And I'm not a child molester. So those are all false allegations. I'm gonna sue them. And I owe that to my wife and kids, period. It's ridiculous."This is where it gets interesting again. Before the Raz B apology tape was uploaded, according to MTV, Kevin Sullivan, Raz-B's business partner and the COO of their company, Raz Beatz Entertainment, said that the singer is not ready to elaborate on his video allegations at this point, but that he is conferring with lawyers and preparing a statement that will possibly help explain his claims.
"With something of this magnitude, you always look at what the best time is [to talk about it,] and he felt compelled ... that this has built up," Sullivan said. "[He was saying,] 'I'm tired, this is my story.' It's something that's spiritual, and God says now is the time."(Remember, the foregoing comment was made just hours before Raz B's surprise apology video.) ********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: SOMETHING IS NOT CLEAN IN THIS WATER..?? THIS BOY SEEMS SO SCARED AND IT'S OBVIOUS HE IS BEEN TOLD BY LEGAL COUNSEL TO DO THIS. RUMOUR HAS IT THAT LAPD HAS STARTED TO QUESTION THIS STORY...I'M SURE THERE IS MORE TO COME..SOMETHING HAS HAPPEN THE QUESTION IS EXACTLY WHAT???
“It’s really about trying to invest in the future, trying to invest in maybe coming up with a new model. Because going in hard making records with artists and throwing those records into a system that’s flawed is not exciting for me. It’s not the music; people ingest music the same way. It’s just that the model of selling CDs has changed. So doing things the typical way is not in the best interests of anyone and not exciting for me. My whole thing is, how do we invest in the future? If everyone is committed to doing that, then I’m sure there’s a deal to be made.”Jay-Z will continue to release his own music through his label Roc-a-Fella, which is under the Def Jam umbrella. Ella ella ella ey ey ey! Read More (Click Now) *********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: I THINK THIS IS A GOOD MOVE HE WAS DOING TOO MUCH NOW HE CAN FOCUS ON BEING AN ARTIST NOT TO MENTION BOYFRIEND, HOTEL, CLOTHES, ROCFELLA, 40/40, GET MY POINT HE HAS ENOUGH TO KEEP HIM BUSY.!!
The accusations that Demario “Raz B” Thorton and Ricardo Thorton have made are vehemently false and hold no merit. I have recently stopped financially supporting both individuals along with assisting them with their criminal and legal matters which leads me to believe they are resentful and looking to benefit financially from this. My family is my first priority and the reason why I have been so supportive of them. In bringing these false claims, they have not only slandered me, they have also put me in a position to ensure that the truth is known and I will take all legal routes to protect myself, my family and my four children," said Chris Stokes, CEO of The Ultimate Group It’s also quite ironic that these statements were made only 2 weeks after they were denied admittance by a venue for an event I hosted in Beverly Hills," added Stokes. .*********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ HE DID IT PERIOD..THAT'S MY OPINION..!! Those guys gave to many details and why would they risk being called all kinda of nasty names GAY, FAGGOTS, E.T.C, It appears something happen?? and they allowed it to go on to a certain degree?? Not saying it's there fault based on tape they were kids.... In Chris statement he mentions because he wouldn't let them in a party that's enough for his own blood to excuse him of MOLESTATION?? and risk it all is this PERVERT SERIOUS?? ..They are shutting down Blogs & Websites from running this story so read the facts before I have to remove the content..!! (2 B CONTINUED)
And here's what Raz B's brother, Ricky Romantic said on the same video, "[Chris Stokes] molested my brother [Raz B] and he molested me ... when I say that, it hurts.":********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: THIS RIGHT HERE IS SHOCKING...I'M SURE THIS IS NOT THE LAST OF THIS STORY THEY HAVE HIM ON TAPE ADMITTING THAT SOMETHING HAS HAPPEN...(TO B CONTINUED)..!!
, “Men died fighting in a war for that. Arafat wore it. People took bullets in the back fighting for that! [Rappers] don’t know what the meaning of that is.. they’re ignorant! They go overseas and they go to Dubai then they come back and say, ‘look at the new trend I started’. It’s disrespectful!”The Muslim man I spoke with thinks rappers need a little sensitivity training, “If I see them wearing the jalabia, I’ll make them take it off!,” he said. ***********************************************************************************\ HOUSE OF GLITZ: This is an interesting story..We wear camouflage but we all are not in the Military...!!..I could say they are being to sensitive but I understand them holding on to there culture we do it everyday...But I think wearing a scarf around your neck is truly a trend and they mean no disrespect...!!!
"This is just an abuse of the process.It's disrespectful of your honor," Cook County Assistant State's Attorney Shauna Boliker stated. He really thinks he can do anything since he hasn't been convicted. But they are watching this kiddie lover and I'm glad he will face the judge...!! Explain why you continue to break the law??..They keep giving this Molester a break and he continues to show them he don't care. Read More (Click Now) ******************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLIZ: "STEP IN THE NAME OF JAIL"!!! ..!!..I'm sure he will be able to KY himself out of this one too..But one day he will really meet his day in court. Until then Watch you kids...!!
UPDATE: RUMOUR SQUASHED AS EXPECTED JAY=Z CAMPS DENIES MARRIAGE THEY JUST INKED THE KNOT JUST LIKE I REPORTED.There's a new rumour second time flooding the Internet walls that Jay-z & Beyonce got secretly married in Paris..?? ..We think not our sources state yes they have matching tattoo's. No different they you wearing your man's coat or shirt or dressing alike except there's is a little more permanent.
“I love my curves," Tyra tells OK!. "I’ve made millions of dollars with this body.”And Tyra says that the media is responsible for the body-image issues facing women today. "An average American woman is size 12 or 14," she explains to OK!.
"So if I look like a 10 or 12 in a picture and someone says I look disgusting, are they saying the majority of America is disgusting? That made me really upset, and that’s why I decided to fight back."Tyra is a wonderful role model to Young and old expect to see much more of Trya Banks. She is currently overseas taping ANTM Cycle 10. Read More (Click Now) *********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: THIS IS AWESOME...!! SHE IS DEFINITELY ONE OF MY ROLE MODELS..!!
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