#navbar-iframe { display: none !important; } HOUSE OF GLITZ...!!!: Weave It Alone....Niaomi Campbell Hair Raising Situation

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Weave It Alone....Niaomi Campbell Hair Raising Situation

Supermodels get stared at all the time, but Naomi Campbell probably wasn't expecting to attract this kind of attention. All that glue and sew in Weaves/extensions have left Naomi with crumbs around the side of her head (basically bald).  We know she loses her cool at times and now we also know her hair has left the building also.

During a photoshoot for designer Dennis Basso in New York City on Monday, the model inadvertently revealed a bald area on the side of her head, which kicked off loads of buzz about the potential cause of possible Naomi's hair woes. Everyone has a flaw and with her climbing number this "Bald problem" just shot to the top of the list.  She really needs to hit up HRS a.s.a.p. (HAIR REPLACEMENT SYSTEMS) yikes!!
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