Check out J-EYONCE with her slamming Chanel purse and those FIERCE PUMPS. They were spotted looking at the exclusive selection of more than 250 leading art galleries from North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa will exhibit 20th and 21st century artworks by over 2,000 artists. The exhibiting galleries are among the world's most respected art dealers, offering exceptional pieces by both renowned artists and cutting-edge newcomers. Special exhibition sections feature young galleries, performance art, public art projects and video art. They getting there "Grown Folk" on. Read more about exhibit (Click Now)Looks like security ain't feeling this one either bout to get raised up!!Peep security making sure Random chick keeps her distance from "B"
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first pic is hot
They look happy together. But it must suck to have to have security everywhere you go, even inside.
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