Wednesday, July 3, 2013


In previous post we talked about Preachers wife dressing like a jump off at the BET Awards with a blue dress and her daring plunging cleavage.  Well now Megan Good and her fans speak out.  Were sorry but  the more we look at that dress, we have to agree, she is wrong about wearing that lady of the night dress as a preacher’s wife and presenter of the Best Gospel Award at the BET Awards.

Check out what some of the Meagan Good blue dress haters had to say below:
Meagan Good is getting double heat because of her new husband who’s a minister and studio executive DeVon Franklin. In the church world; first ladies wear floppy hats and St. John suits not dresses that show boobs and stomach and the whole body.

Meagan girl we aint mad at you, we are all about getting our sexy on,  but you have to consider the crowd and that wasn't the strip club. And somebody husband should have told you that was too much.  

Meagan Good has a message for everyone who felt some sort of way about her gown.
“@adriannacolbert That’s the thing Girl- is that I don’t feel convicted about this at all .,my spirit is saddened that our people only know one way to think and process things..

I’m not any less holy because the dress I wore -I may not be who people think I should be -but I’m morphing into exactly who God wants me to be.. My excuse is never “I’m going to do me” and I don’t feel that I need to make an excuse or defend or what I wore .. I know I have a responsibility -and I’m working daily to fulfill the full potential of all God has created me to be..A dialogue was started about my character, integrity, my walk with God and my Husband -simply based on a dress that I wore.., Of course I’m going to have a reaction to people saying negative things… It’s just sad.. Makes me sad not regretful.. My heart and spirit is always open to whatever my Father would want to share with me… And my spirit tells me to be exactly who I authentically am -because that’s what’s going to reach who I was authentically designed to touch.. people like me who are often misunderstood and told their cut of God’s promise -because they don’t look the role …when God doesn’t care about us “looking the role”..he is always cared about bringing us in -and us being whatever we need to be to bring Those left out in ..And it just makes me sad that us as Christians can’t see beyond our initial reaction and don’t seek God before the attack other brothers and sisters …and never think for one moment that: God knows what he’s doing and he uses everything for his glory .. and he has a plan for every specific situation.. I had intentions on anything .. Merely picked a dress I saw and loved … God knows my heart and that I didn’t do anything wrong .. And he will use even people’s thoughts to bring him glory.”

Well OK then, what do you think?


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

By her husband being a pastor he should have standards. He shouldn't want every dick tom and harry looking at his wife boobs I understand a little low cut but you can actually see her boobs through the the dress. Anything that is not Christ like is not of God. I can't judge but I'm pretty that is not pleasing to God. People always saying God this Christians that trying to justify their wrong to make it right. Its nothing holy or Christian about the dress it more of the world. That's unacceptable and whats sad is she think the dress is OK and what even more sad is that her husband is a pastor how can you preach set trying to preach God words and your wife showing all her body to world. Then to a gospel around a lot of preacher pastors etc...set a standard.

Unknown said...

Unacceptable... Not chrislike..yes god knows your heart but you cant justify dressing of the world by using God this n god that....by your husband being a pastor he should have standards he should want every dick tom and Harry looking at his wife boobs...that's for him to see not the whole world...not standards at all.

Anonymous said...

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