FreddyO states: Last week my boy called to tell me that the one and only Nivea was about to have a baby. Yes, she’s pregnant. I would like to be the first to send my congrats to her and her baby daddy soon to be husband, Wayne. The two are said to be marrying with in the next few months. Hmmmm, I wonder about that. Wayne will also be having a child with the one and only Lauren London. WOW…. I wonder what they said when they both found out about each other...
Peep Video below of Nivea calling in to local Radio Station V-103 happy as can be, now that the world knows she will be Baby Mama number 5. (Girl Stop). Nivea also has a baby by Producer Dream.
now this is a mess, lil wayne looks like a Gremlin
This story get crazier and crazier..When is the Gremlin going too speak??
lil wayne has money...which equal eager Ho's!!
money = power, power= Ho' enough said!!
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