As I throw up in my mouth a little bit, because of this story per Sandra rose It’s confirmed. Ciara and rapper 50 Cent are very much in love according to a source within Ciara’s camp. Despite his denials in the media - it’s true.
The source of this information couldn’t be closer to Ciara than Ciara herself. . But this is not a manufactured relationship. It’s the real deal.
Why am I having such a difficult time believing it? Look at him… now look at her. Ciara seems to be too smart to end up with a thug like him. It’s really not my place to judge a woman’s choice in men, but this one defies all logic. This man disrespects woman on every song and has beef with all of the world. Ciara is such a beautiful girl and I thought she was intelligent but maybe not when choosing a mate?? Maybe behind close doors she's able to tame that Monkey who knows. (to be continued)
HOUSE OF GLITZ: Having trouble with this one. But we will see. This guy is into everything wrong. Drugs, Violence e.t.c.
If this is true she is under the influence of drugs.
Gross I hope this is not true
Ciara can date whoever she wants. and LOL at this post when all rappers say bitch and ho in their songs. But yet you chose tok single out 50 please. IF you only new...
To the above person would you let 50 date your daughter??
Does it matter??? That girl is grown and can do what ever she wants to do...
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