Former Flava of Love winner Deelishis covers Sister2Sister magazine this month. Deelishis graces the March 2008 cover locked in an embrace with an apparently openly down low man.
Her new man, who she says she met while at a promotional event in Detroit, has more diamonds adorning his neck and wrist than she does. Then there’s that delicate butterfly tattoo on his right arm that screams flyboy.
It’s not for me to try to guess what seemingly strong, independent women like Star Jones and Deelishis see in feminine men. Maybe it’s the fact that they are so much more in touch with their feminine side than thugs are.
Jamie: Are you in a relationship with anyone now?
Deelishis: I am.
Jamie: Is he known or not known?
Deelishis: No, he’s not known. He’s a very nice gentleman that I met by chance. It was
really nice. I was actually doing a promotional event at home, in Detroit, and I met him.
Jamie: What does he do?
Deelishis: He owns a club, he owns a real estate company, and he also owns a landscaping
company. He has a few little businesses. He’s very smart.
Jamie: He’s young?
Deelishis: Yeah, he’s young [27 years old]. One thing about him that I really like is
that he supports my career.
Jamie: So let me ask you this: were you ever in love with Flav?
Deelishis: I was in love with the idea of being in love with him. I liked him a lot. …
Flav decided that he’d rather risk my friendship and the possibility of a serious,
long-term relationship for the opportunity to do something with 51 Minds Entertainment
and VH1. And he didn’t go about it the right way.
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HOUSE OF GLITZ: She got herself a "Pretty Bitch ..I'm just saying this guy looks like Star Jones husband Al Reynolds brother and we all know what she is... A HOT MESS!!
He does look really gay.
Anything to have a man I guess..!!
this is crazy!!
If you had any culture or sense, you'd see that it's not a butterfly on his arm, but theater masks- even from far away that tatoo doesn't look like a damn butterfly!
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