#navbar-iframe { display: none !important; } HOUSE OF GLITZ...!!!: GOOD LAWD...T.I. GIRLFRIEND PREGNANT AGAIN...& AND WAS T.I. GOING TO WAR??!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Tameka ‘Tiny’ Cottle who was arrested alongside her longtime boyfriend Clifford “T.I.” Harris over the weekend, is also pregnant with his child. Why would you do this too your self again??
A source close to Tameka “Tiny” Cottle has confirmed that Tiny is pregnant again with T.I.’s baby. The sex of the baby is unknown. The baby would be the couple’s second child together. Tiny delivered a stillborn baby girl this past March and the couple were determined to have another baby
Also the Feds held a press conference today in downtown Atlanta to display the collection of revolvers, automatic rifles, machine guns and pistols found in rapper T.I.'s home and car. Nothing unusual here: one would normally find guns like these in a collector's home. (T.I. WAR WEAPONS??) The fact that the collector is a convicted felon and popular rapper who obtained the weapons by illegal means is what makes this is a national news story. T.I. is about to do some serious time did Michael Vick not teach you anything? Who was the target?? (read More) T.I. IS STILL IN JAIL AWAITING A COURT HEARING WHICH IS SCHEDULE FOR THIS FRIDAY. ALSO WEIGH IN ON T.I. ANSWER POLL ?? ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE..!! ********************************************************************************* HOUSE OF GLITZ: WTF: LET'S' KEEP IT REAL..ALL THAT'S MISSING IS A GRENADE, STEALTH MISSILE, BULLET PROOF VEST, & BIN LADEN ON A TARGET MAP..WHO WAS HE TRYING TO "HURT OR SHALL I SAY PUT THEM IN THE DIRT...SAY GOOD BYE TO T.I. A.K.A. "TIME.INTERRUPTED"


Anonymous said...

Just not sure what this is about...looking forward too the bottom line??

Anonymous said...

i agree I think it's over for T.I.

Anonymous said...

Whatever he was doing I'm glad he got caught..!!

House Of Glitz said...


Anonymous said...

That was a good one house!!! Time Interrupted!! Funny as heck!!

Anonymous said...

t.i. deserves whatever he gets

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha T.I

Anonymous said...

Wow the anonymous person above me is raggedy.All i got to say.

Anonymous said...

Well ti wasnt wrong i love him ...stop haten

Anonymous said...

Well ti wasnt wrong i love him ...stop haten

Anonymous said...

T.I. is NOT wrong! the cops got guns! we should too! look what they did to Rodney King... and Sean Bell! look what the government did to Tupac Shakur... and Biggie!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We all have rights to protect ourselves...

Anonymous said...

as well as defend ourselves...

Anonymous said...

and if u agree to disagree... u too will be lookn at the end of those gunz...

Anonymous said...

Def...You needs some help!!

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