
Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Usher Raymond confirmed his engagement to longtime girlfriend Grace Miguel, while congratulating musician Kanye West on his marriage to socialite Kim Kardashian.
While accepting his BET Honors award on Monday, Usher said to Miguel, “My friend/partner/manager and fiancĂ© Grace Miguel. See, marriage makes a difference whether you guys know it or not. I don’t know if my story would be the best one, but listening to Kanye tonight, man, marriage is good for you sir.”

I’m not sure if Usher jab at his ex-wife, Tameka Raymond, was intentional or not. Tameka has said she has no plans to give up Usher’s last name after he remarries.

As she explained to blogs recently, changing her last name would only complicate matters for her sons at school. Plus the fact that she would have to change her name on her passport, driver’s license and other important papers.

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