
Sunday, January 22, 2017


Rihanna is ANTI President Donald Trump and she proved it on Saturday (Jan. 21), along with hundreds of thousands around the country.

While similar protests were held across the globe, the pop superstar went to “Work” at the Women’s March in New York, where she protested along with a large crowd that gathered in front of Trump Tower.

Through social media videos, RiRi was seen shouting with protesters: “Welcome to your first day. We will not go away!”
Donning a pink middle finger dad hat and a pink “This P***y Grabs Back” hoodie, Rihanna also joined in “Donald Trump has got to go” and “My body, my voice” chants.
Several other stars also joined in the protests. Alicia Keys, Janelle Monáe, Scarlett Johansson, America Ferrera, Ashley Judd, and Madonna were among the celebrities who led the Women’s March on Washington.
“We will continue to rise until our voices are heard,” said Keys, who also performed “Girl on Fire” at the D.C. rally. “Until our planet’s safety is not deferred. Until our bombs stop dropping in other lands. Until our dollar is the same dollar as a man’s. And we’ll continue to recognize that, yes, we can.”

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