
Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I know it's hard to believe but, K. Michelle has made no secret that her latest album, 'Anybody Wanna Buy a Heart' is based on her eight month secret romance with actor Idris Elba.

Breaking his silence Idris owns up to the affair while K dissolves into a crying fit while discussing their ill-fated romance for a recent promo…

K. Michelle had a tough time talking about her affair with Idris on the Russ Parr Morning show the other day and left the studio in tears in the middle of her interview after she was asked why she and Idris broke up.

It’s not really clear what triggered the breakdown specifically, but she seemed to get a bit emotional after expressing that there’s no hatred between them.
“I think people knew [we were seeing each other]. People kind of hinted that around the time of our musical and everything. I don’t think that I’m snitching on him because he doesn’t really hide it. It’s just what I went through and that’s my life. That’s my art and it is what it is.”

“He knows with my music, I’m the Black Taylor Swift. I’m going to write about you and I’m going to talk about you. He really has no choice. Within the last week, I haven’t spoken to him about it. I’m sure he’s a little bothered, but my thing is, I feel like I’ve protected you for so long. 
These are my emotions that I deserve…I have to protect myself and deal with my emotions. I love him and always will.”

“It’s not a hate thing and we don’t hate each other,” said the singer. “It’s a timing thing.”

At this point, K noticeably breaks down.

Meanwhile, as news traveled far and wide that K - The Queen of Rachet was able to pull Idris, the actor himself weighed in on the controversy caused by K's messy admission. He probably thought she was going to take there little tryst to her grave.....NOT!  

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