
Monday, February 3, 2014

DIDDY PROPOSES TO LONGTIME GIRLFRIEND CASSIE VIA INSTAGRAM? unromantic is this?  Worth 508 million dollars Playa Diddy who has been seeing Cassie off and on since 2007 is showing his love via social media. They met in 2002 after he heard her song Me & U in a nightclub. By 2009 they collaborated on the song Must Be Love.
In 2011 it was widely reported the mogul took a break from the Connecticut beauty to date Cameron Diaz. Diddy has had a drama-filled love life.
He was with Kim Porter on and off from 1994 to 2007. But he saw other people during that time as well.
Diddy, whose real name is Sean Combs, has five children with three different women: Justin, Christian, Jessie, D'Lila and Chance.

He's been linked to models Emma Heming (who is now married to Bruce Willis) as well as Naomi Campbell. Aubrey O'Day, Sienna Miller and Kate Upton have also reportedly been seen with the musician.
But leave it to a media mogul like Diddy to propose with a pic of the ring in the most unconventional way possible — on Instagram!  
No word yet if she said YES!, we are sure she will, she has dealt with all his infidelity sorta like Gabrielle Union but without the extra kid.  Lord knows she has earned the right to be wifey she has been a kept woman for years. 
With a ring that size...Yesssss...Yesss!!

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