
Thursday, October 10, 2013


This Diva, Kanye West and Jimmy Kimmel put their differences aside and came face-to-face on Wednesday night. With Kim Kardashian and his daughter North West in attendance, the dapper rapper (dressed in Ralph Lauren) sat down with Kimmel for a lengthy and passionate interview.
After replaying the parody that ignited their feud, the camera cut to ‘Ye, who appeared to be laughing. He assured viewers that it was not a publicity stunt. “I’ve never done a publicity stunt in my life,” he said.

Kanye explained that he was upset after seeing the skit and wasn’t able to watch it in its entirety because he was so infuriated. So he called Jimmy, who he had met before at a wedding, to air out his grievances, but it soon got out of hand.
“It kinda elevated from a call that we just had as men,” said Yeezy. “At a certain point, these egos can flare up and we kinda just took it back to high school for a little bit.”
Kimmel explained his side of the story and sympathized with Kanye. “A lot of times, I think you bring it on yourself, this misunderstanding of you. I don’t know if you know this. A lot of people think you’re a jerk,” said Kimmel.
“I’m not running for office,” said ‘Ye. “I’m just here to make good music, make people feel good when they hear my music. When I did that interview, I was really vocal about a lot of things that I’d been dealing with over the past 10 years. For me, I’m a creative genius and there’s no other way to word it. I know you’re not supposed to say that about yourself and I say things the wrong way a lot of times, but my intention is always positive. I want to bring more things to the world, I want to help the world. I want to make people’s lives easier.”
He revealed that he spent two of his checks as a telemarketer on a pair of Gucci slippers. “For me, I care about cool stuff. It means something to me, it means something to a lot of people that are like me. And that’s what I was talking about on the Zane interview.”
He’s unafraid to speak his mind no matter what repercussions he may face. “I wouldn’t even say that I’m a rapper. I would say I’m more of a messenger than a rapper,” he said. “If you guys look at the Zane interview, it’s really something extremely fearless for someone in my position to do because most people just bow down to TV, bow down to these cameras. I could care less about any of these cameras in all honesty. All I care about is my family, I care about protecting my girl, protecting my baby, and protecting my ideas and my dreams, and that’s the reason why I went so crazy.”
Peep Video Below:

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