
Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Smoke one for the Lil Homie...Amber Rose‘s best girl friends gave her a fabulous baby shower over the weekend. The party took place in LA with many of her celeb friends and of course baby daddy and fiance Wiz Khalifa. 

Rose, rocking a rainbow keyboard dress by Jeremy Scott and ribbon veil, posed for some kissy pics with her "gay boyfriend" Johnny Rice.
Wiz was also in attendance, helping his mama-to-be with the presents. "He even helped me open gifts.... My cutie pie :-)," she wrote. And he couldn't pass up an opportunity to post a photo of Amber with her mega-watt smile, which he simply captioned as, "Beautiful."
Now we just have to wait for their little man to arrive!

Some of those who showed up to the party included: Lola Monroe, Christina Milian, Tocarra, Melissa Molinaro, Ja’Maal Buster and many more.

The unborn baby wizbud will have many new gifts when he is born. Designer Jeremy Scott sent over his first pair of designer sneaker.

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