
Tuesday, December 11, 2012


The first full trailer for Will Smith and Jaden Smith's sci-fi action epic "After Earth" makes it clear that the summer 2013 release will be visually impressive and full of action.
One thing the trailer doesn't make clear: the movie is directed by M. Night Shyamalan. After "The Sixth Sense" made Shyamalan one of the most famous young directors in Hollywood, he became a brand name. But after back-to-back disasters "Lady in the Water" and "The Happening" and an underwhelming attempt at a family blockbuster with "The Last Airbender," that brand was in crisis.
Can "After Earth" bring him back? Clearly, the goal is to sell the film on the visuals, Will Smith's starpower and Jaden Smith's emerging appeal (he hasn't made a movie since the hit remake of "The Karate Kid," but that wildly outperformed expectations).

Take a look at the "After Earth" trailer and let us know what you think.?

1 comment:

  1. The movie looks only based on two characters, Will Smith is a star. hope he can make it work for the Director.

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