
Friday, December 14, 2012


He's on a role...literally, After playing a slave out for revenge in Quentin Tarantino's upcoming Django Unchained, Jamie Foxx is staking out another electrifying role.

A source confirmed to E! News that the Oscar winner will play Peter Parker's latest arch-enemy in Sony's highly anticipated sequel to last summer's The Amazing Spider-Man. 
So which baddie within Spidey's gallery of rogues is getting the big-screen treatment this time? 

Well according to Variety, which first reported the negotiations, the 44-year-old Foxx would play Electro, one of Spider-Man's most dangerous villains who made his debut in The Amazing Spider-Man No. 9 back in Feb. 1964.
As Marvel Comics lore has it, Electro is the guise of Maxwell Dillon, an emotionally stunted man with an inferiority complex who's struck by lightning while working as a lineman. Instead of being killed, the accident gives him the superhuman ability to control electricity. Donning a green and yellow lightning-themed costume and embracing a life of crime, Electro becomes one of the webslinger's most fearsome foes.

If Marvel's traditional post-credits teaser to The Amazing Spider-Man is any indication, Electro ought to play a big role in the follow up. 
Jamie Foxx had previously revealed that his four year old daughter was a huge Spider-Man fan. Now, Access Hollywood has an update on how Jamie Foxx revealed the news to his daughter. Foxx surprised the lucky little girl with a set visit. 
While filming of The Amazing Spider-Man sequel isn’t set to start until February, pre-production has already begun, so we’re assuming he took her to see sets under construction

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are set to reprise their roles as Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy respectively with Marc Webb back in the director's chair. If all goes according to plan, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 should be swinging into theaters on May 2, 2014.

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