
Wednesday, September 12, 2012


They say money can't buy you everything, but clearly it can buy drugs and sex in the most elite schools.  President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle shell out a whopping $70,000 a year to send their two daughters to an elite private school, but the academy has been embroiled in a shocking cocaine scandal! Wait until the Romney camp get this story in there arsenal. 
Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., is also involved in a stunning court battle that threatens to expose even more sordid sex and drug secrets, according to a new report in the National Enquirer.

“Certainly, the trouble at the school has upset both Barack and Michelle,” reveals the source. “Some friends have suggested the girls be tutored privately at the White House, but the Obamas are keen to have the girls’ educational experience be as normal as possible. They don’t want them home-schooled.”
 The First Parents publicly support the school where Malia, 14, is a freshman, and Sasha, 11, is in sixth grade, but the Enquirer has exclusively learned they’re concerned by the school’s disgraceful problems, according to an Obama family insider.

The Enquirer has learned drug and alcohol use is rampant among students - 71 percent of Sidwell students said they at tended parties where drugs and alcohol were available, ac cording to an official study published in the school newspaper, “Horizon.”

What’s more, nearly 25 percent of the senior boys polled admitted to driving under the influence of alcohol!

“I have seen kids snorting coke, smoking pot, getting high and boozing,” the former stu dent, now an adult, told the Enquirer. “There’s huge money at the school and the older kids host parties at their private residences. Many of them live in big mansions in Washington, or in affluent suburbs where drugs and booze are common."

Shockingly, a Sidwell graduate was recently arrested for “pos session with intent to distribute cocaine and methylene (also known as Ecstasy).” Meanwhile, a $10 million lawsuit against Sidwell threatens to rip the lid off an alleged sleazy sex scandal in volving the school’s former staff psychologist, James Huntington, who’s been fired.
For more exclusive details on the shocking drug and sex scandal at the Obama daughters’ school pick up the latest issue of the National Enquirer -- on newsstands Thursday.

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