
Friday, September 14, 2012


Child Please..quoting Ocho's favorite tag line and that's exactly how we feel about him.  Yeah Beavis & Butt-head marriage is finally coming to an official end now that Chad Johnson has accepted the fact it's over.  

Let's hope he can get a deal on tattoo removal surgery…. Just last week, former NFL football star and full-time philanderer Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson appeared willing to do anything to let Evelyn Lozada know that he wanted to save their marriage, but it appears that a sleepover with his mistress helped change his mind on that score.
As previously reported, Johnson was spotted in Miami last week wearing a shirt reading “I just want to love you,” a message to his estranged wife, and when that didn’t work, Johnson went so far as to tattoo her face onto his calf.
 But it appears that all of his grand romantic gestures were for nothing, and on Thursday Johnson finally threw in the matrimonial towel and officially filed his divorce papers.

So, what changed his mind? Perhaps a passionate sleepover with his jump off!

According to an eyewitness, a red Volkswagen complete with a Miami sticker on it was parked overnight outside the home Johnson shared with Lozada, who has still to remove her clothes and belongings from the property.
The car belongs to Bianca Zuluaga, the woman Radar exclusively reported to be Johnson’s mistress, and is registered in Zuluaga’s mother’s name.

According to Johnson’s own Twitter page, he was due in court Thursday morning, but as it turns out, decided not to show up, choosing instead to spend the morning with Zuluaga first at his home, then headed out for some breakfast at Johnson’s beloved IHOP.
Zuluaga, who refers to Johnson as “Chocolate” confirmed this on her own twitter page, first tweeting “You know you’re a chocolate addict when you ate some last night, and eat some as soon as you wake up in the morning.” 
Then later, tweeting “iHop with my lover… yummm fattening.” Welll a Ho gonna be a Ho so no shock here.  

Here's another one of this trifling ho tweets about how much she likes F**cking some body's man. As you can see based on the below date it never stopped, before or after he was married.


House Sitters