
Thursday, August 16, 2012


Madea is finally about to "go somewhere and sit down" in her own words, Tyler Perry has had many movies and plays come out since his beginning as a character known as Madea. Fans from all over would get to see Tyler tour as Madea between his many movies.

He has still been juggling all these projects for years, but he is now releasing a statement explaining to his fans that he needs to take a break from touring to make time to work on some other projects Tyler writes the following message on his site for his fans:

“I don’t know if you remember this or not, but around 2005 I took off from touring my Madea plays for about 5 years. During that time, I was working mostly on movies and TV shows. Well, as much as I love to be out on stage and doing a live Madea show, the time has come again for me to take a long break from the stage. I have some major projects that I’m working on that will require a lot of my time and effort. Just know that I did not want to stop this tour until I had hit as many cities as possible. So I’m going to finish out this Fall leg of the tour and then take a long break.”
We are sure this is not the last we will see of Madea she will be back toting her gun in no time.

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