
Thursday, July 26, 2012


It's been 10 days since Katherine Jackson has been drugged seen or spoke. The Jackson family matriarch phoned into ABC news Wednesday to debunk reports that she had been held against her will by Randy, Jermaine and Janet Jackson and went on to defend her children's character.
"There are rumors going around about me that I have been kidnapped…. I am here today to let everybody know that I am good and fine," the 82-year-old said. "My children would never do anything to me like that."
Jackson sidestepped the question of why she would leave three young children that were in her care, alone without a guardian and also of why she did not inform them that she was leaving.
Stating that she just felt like taking "a short vacation." Yea Katherine but most people who go on vacation take the kids they are raising with them and not have no communication in 10 days, so we question is this really true?
She did however explain why she did not talk to her worried grandchildren while she was gone: "One reason I didn't call is I just gave up my phone and I didn't want to have any phone calls while I was here."

When it comes to losing custody of her son Michael's three children, of whom she has been guardian since their father's death in 2009, she said she was "devastated."
"I am devastated that while I've been away my grandchildren have been taken away from me, and I'm coming home." Katherine was stripped of custody during an emergency hearing Wednesday and Tito Jackson's son, TJ, was awarded temporary guardianship.
Meanwhile, T.J's attorney announced that his client will be filing for permanent guardianship within the next 48 hours.  These poor kids, we hope there is a resolution soon, but lets break down how much she's about to lose if her guardianship does not get reinstated:
When Katherine was appointed guardian of Paris, Prince and Blanket, the Executors gave an allowance of $60,000 per month for the care of the children ... that's $720,000 a year.  Less than a year later the judge increased the 60k to 70k, and that would make the yearly take $840,000.

The judge is now in position to strip Katherine of guardianship altogether.  If that happens, the executors will almost certainly petition the court to funnel the money in TJ's direction, since he would be caring for the children.
Katherine never had control of the money for the kids, but she enjoys a lot of the perks the kids get, and that goes away if she loses guardianship.  She would still, of course, retain the allowance he personally receives from the Estate.
Short story ... these dirty kids... Randy, Jermaine, not Janet and Rebbie set out to turn Katherine against the estate so she could get more money during her lifetime -- money she could dole out to them -- but the plot may have actually screwed Katherine.

Paris Jackson ended the night by tweeting: 

To be continued.

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