
Friday, July 20, 2012


We just love there family and here is another reason why.  Hollywood actress Jada Pinkett Smith is keeping the horrors of human trafficking top of mind in Congress.

Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Tuesday, Pinkett Smith urged lawmakers to do more to combat the problem of child slavery on these and foreign shores.
 The actress says she was compelled to speak out from research information compiled by her daughter. The 40-year-old also announced plans to launch a new campaign to help victims, according to the Associated Press.

Pinkett Smith’s son daughter Willow and husband, Hollywood star Will Smith, were also at Tuesday’s hearing. Jada and Willow was spotted returning to their hotel after going to dinner together in LA.
Willow Smith took to about her time in the U.S. capital, sharing a photo of herself seated behind one-time U.S. presidential nominee John Kerry’s placard and tweeting, “I’m getting radical on human trafficking.”

This isn’t the first time Pinkett Smith has spoken out against the illegal trade of human beings – she recently teamed up with fellow actress Salma Hayek to make a new video for the Don’t Sell Bodies campaign, which fights against the exploitation of women and children around the world.

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