
Friday, May 25, 2012


Aunt Janet has been in the business since she was 4 years old and has seen the good, bad, and ugly growing up as a child star and now that her niece is stepping in the business, Janet is not feeling it at all.  The daughter of the late Michael Jackson, who’s now 14, recently landed her first movie role in Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys and Janet says:

"We've spoken about the fact that you're only a child once," the pop star told Prevention magazine in a new interview. "I think there's a time for everything, and now is not the time [to act in films]. I told her I thought she should enjoy being a kid, possibly go to college or not, but wait till she turns 18. She's a very tough, smart girl. But it's a cutthroat industry. I wouldn't want my child to do it." (As a child, during the late 70s and early 80s, Janet herself appeared on several TV shows, including Good Times, Different Strokes and Fame.)
  The Nutrisystem spokeswoman was very candid about her weight issues. "I think people really connect with the idea of someone who's gained and lost weight in a very public way, and also someone who's an emotional eater.


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