
Monday, December 19, 2011


The Big "O" does it again and gave her employee's a Christmas Party that most of us would only dream of,  Oprah is your boss does it get any better then that?  Oprah Winfrey let loose at the holiday party for her cable channel, OWN, at The Beverly in Los Angeles Thursday night. 

Sources said the media mogul, who spent most of her time in the middle of the venue in plain view of 200 employees but flanked by security, got up and danced while one staffer sang “We Are Family” during a karaoke session at the rocking bash. 

But Winfrey wouldn’t go so far as to hop into the photo booth with a co-worker as she walked out. A spy says an employee invited her in to share a photo, but Winfrey said, “Maybe next time. I have to get home.” The soiree was sponsored by low- calorie Voli Vodka Lyte.

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