
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Video: Fantasia Calls Into Wendy About Rumors Of Being Fired From Mahalia Jackson Biopic

Troubled home wrecker and Idol winner Fantasia Barrino called into the show to set the record straight about the rumors of being fired off the Mahalia Jackson biopic project.   With all of her bed rest orders and absence from the media, rumors have began to circulate regarding her career, and whispers have erupted in question of her baby’s father Antwaun Cook.

Who better to call into than Wendy Williams when you want to air out all that’s on your chest? Well that’s just what Fantasia did to talk a bit more in depth about her Mahalia Jackson biopic role and the rumors that she’s gotten the boot as the lead role for the film. A funny woman, Fantasia jokes that she almost went into labor upon hearing the rumors.

Fantasia on the rumors:

“I almost went into labor because it was the first time that I’ve heard anything about that. I haven’t spoken to the family. I haven’t heard anything from the family. So that was my first time hearing anything about it. I almost went into labor.”

On her relationship with Antwaun:

“You’re funny! I’m not focusing on that today, I’m talking about the whole movie, the Mahalia Jackson, ’cause I’m tired of people putting lies out about me. My name is all I have and my word is my bond. [...] I’m not gonna talk about that. I’ll come and talk to you about that on the show.”

Peep phone call below in it's entirely.

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