
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Video: Tracy Morgan Still Trying To Save His Job, continues To Apologize For Gay Slurs

What is hopefully the end of the Tracy Morgan Joke-Gone-Wrong saga in which he went on a homophobic rant  in his Nashville stand-up routine a month ago has caused A media criticism, but yesterday it culminated with Morgan's personal apology to Kevin Rogers, the fan who was hurt by his gay slurs. A press conference organized by GLAAD and said in a statement:

Tracy Morgan hugs hurt fan Kevin Rogers

“The first thing I want to say is that I apologize to Kevin and people that were at the show for bumming them out. I want to apologize to my friends and my family and my fans and everyone in every community who were offended with this. I didn’t mean it. I don’t have a hateful bone in my body.
I don’t believe that anyone should be bullied or just made to feel bad about who they are… So now, at this point in my life, it’s an opportunity to make a difference, I don’t really see gay or straight, I just see human beings now. I pride myself on 20 years, 18 years of standup, of using it to heal people and not hurt. That was my whole thing. And I hurt people with this. So, from the bottom of my heart, I apologize to everyone who I offended with my words on stage, in Nashville and everywhere else.”

Ultimately, Rogers forgave Morgan. “I greatly appreciate what he said and really appreciate him taking time out to try and right what I belief was just a huge mistake,” he said.

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