
Monday, June 20, 2011

Jennifer Hudson Million Dollar Weight Loss Book Deal

Oscar-winning diva Jennifer Hudson is adding author to her resume.  The Weight Watchers spokeswoman "wants to inspire anyone coping with weight issues, share some of her own best tips for losing and maintaining weight loss, fitting in exercise and keeping it fun and much more," according to the book's publisher, Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Group USA.

Jennifer's book will detail how the star lost 80 pounds, proving wrong those who doubted her dream would ever become reality and word on the curb is that the deal will net her one million dollars.

 The former American Idol contestant won't discuss her family tragedy though. She says she has no desire to publish a book about the horrific the murder of her mother, brother, and nephew.  The Dreamgirl's memoir remains untitled, but it is due in January 2012.

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