
Thursday, June 30, 2011

ABC 'To Catch A Predator' Host Chris Hansen Caught Cheating

The irony in this story is overwhelming, Chris Hansen, famous for telling online child predators to take a seat, we are now are asking Chris Hansen "to take a seat".  Looks like the sting tactic that made Chris Hansen famous may have come back to bite him -- big time.

The National Enquirer is reporting that they've caught the "To Catch A Predator" host cheating on his wife with Kristyn Caddell, a Florida NBC affiliate news reporter twenty one years his junior 30 years old to be exact, with a hidden camera. Hansen is married with two children and lives in Connecticut.
The Enquirer says that they have footage of Hansen out with Caddell, having dinner at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Manalapan, Florida, and then returning for the night to her Palm Beach apartment. The host has been spending time in Florida investigating the disappearance of James 'Jimmy T' Trindade, the Enquirer reports.

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The source also added: “Chris and Kristyn got on so well that she ended up going back to his room at The Colony Hotel in Palm Beach and later boasted to pals about staying the night with him.”

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