
Friday, May 20, 2011

New Sperminator Details Maria Shriver Confronted Housekeeper About Love Child Then Arnold Confessed

The man who has alone beat out the Tiger Woods Scandal, The Jessie James Scandal, and probably viewed as one of the most low down men on earth now has more juicy details coming out about his love child.

Ex-Governor of California had no choice but to confess once he was cornered by his wife.  Arnold Schwarzenegger did not voluntarily tell his wife that he fathered a love child with the housekeeper -- instead he confessed only after Maria Shriver confronted the woman, who admitted it.

Picture Of Maria & Mildred Pregnant At The Same Time

Maria asked Mildred Baena if her son was fathered by Arnold and the housekeeper broke down and confessed.  Armed with that information, Maria confronted her husband, who also admitted it.

That’s the real story of how the love child scandal unfolded in the Schwarzenegger household.

In his only public statement about the matter, Arnold said earlier this week: "After leaving the governor's office I told my wife about this event, which occurred over a decade ago.”

“Maria has suspected this for a long time and she asked the housekeeper,” a source close to the situation told us. “The housekeeper admitted it. “Maria then went to Arnold and he confessed.” He didn’t volunteer the information, and it could have remained a secret if Maria hadn’t asked.
Mildred, also known as Patty, couldn’t carry the secret any more according to another source.  “It’s amazing she didn’t crack before this,” said the source.And Patty was NOT fired by Arnold, says another source, despite earlier reports.  (Read More)

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