
Thursday, May 26, 2011

GUILTY? ...Settlement reached in Bishop Eddie Long case

Ummm hmm?  Bishop Eddie Long is out of rocks!  Why would you settle if their is no guilt? "Tell the truth and shame the Devil", as the old schooler would say. Like we predicted Bishop Eddie Wrong Long has settled. An attorney involved in the sexual misconduct lawsuits against Bishop Eddie Long said the "matters have been resolved."

What that translates too is "hush money" has been paid and the actual details will never be exposed , since the payoff also puts a gag order in place.  Now one has to ask, does this mean that Bishop Eddie Long is a "Down Low Brotha".?

Either way B.J. Bernstein, who represents the four men who sued Long, New Birth and LongFellows, also confirmed the lawsuits had been settled.  Neither side would comment further and settlement terms were unknown. Susan S. Raines, a professor of conflict management at Kennesaw State University, said it is not uncommon in civil damages cases for the terms to be private among the parties.

According to Bernstein's office, neither she nor the plaintiffs -- Maurice Robinson, Jamal Parris, Anthony Flagg and Spencer LeGrande -- would be available for an interview "on this matter, now or in the future. "

Yes the moral of the story kids is that "Dick Tracy" aka Eddie Long will be cutting a big fat check just in time for the Memorial day Holiday.  I'm sure the thousand of worshipers who attend New Birth Church will still follow this seemingly corrupt Pastor. 

All we can do is Pray for this man  in hopes that he get the HELP he needs. And as for his followers we simply ask them  to "WAKE UP" and taste the rainbow ...who is their Pastor!  (SNAP...SNAP!!)

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