
Monday, April 4, 2011

Charlie Sheen Show Bombs In Detroit...But Get's Laughs In Chicago

Ugh not Winning anymore! Recovering addict, Charlie Sheen opening for his drug tour "My Violent Torpedo Of Truth Tour" had some serious problems in Detroit.  Sheen  was heckled and booed off the stage in Detroit.  Sheen took the stage close to 9 p.m., the mood in the auditorium went sour. The warm up comedian, Kurt Fox, drew a chorus of boos so loud that Sheen came out before his scheduled intro to ask the audience to play nice.

Before his official debut, he played a montage of video clips including scenes from "Apocalypse Now," the film starring Sheen's father that Sheen claims to be obsessed with. He then strutted on stage with his paid for hire "goddesses," Bree Olsen and Natalie Kenly, who proceeded to engage in a passionate kiss, much to the delight of the crowd.

After Sheen ranted and raved about how his critics did him wrong, the audience seemed confused. They started to boo, loudly. Sheen pushed back, saying "I already got your money, dude." (All tickets stipulated that no refunds would be granted.).

Throughout the night, the booing intensified, and people began streaming out of the theater, which ended in a Train Wreck much like himself.  But in Chicago a new day has dawn, Charlie Sheen made some changes to his road show Sunday night – and this time, it ended with a standing ovation.

Sheen used a talk show-style format at his Chicago show, with a master of ceremonies asking the actor questions. The interviewer, who didn't identify himself, kept Sheen on track and gave the actor a chance to make some snarky comments. 

Some audience members said the second performance on Sheen's "My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option" tour wasn't outstanding, but at least it had amusing moments. And Sheen drew cheers throughout the show, which began and ended with a standing ovation.  We at the House Of Glitz would encourage Sheen not to quit his day job, but he already did. (we will wait for the video).

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