
Monday, March 7, 2011

Eddie Long Preparing To Settle? Long Takes A 40 Percent Pay Cut

Embattled Bishop Eddie Long is being backed in a corner these days do to his recent allegations of coercing  four young men into sexual relationships. Bishop Eddie Long told members of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church during his 11 a.m. Sunday service that he recently took a 40-percent pay cut.

Recently, the church said it was forced to lay off two full-time staffers and cut salaries by 10 percent. Additionally, the church said it had adopted a pilot program that adjusted the work week from five days to four.

Long said his compensation is determined by an independent board, in accordance with IRS regulations. Additionally, the members' offering goes into the general operating fund. He said the church was "not hiding anything."

Money wasn't the only thing on the pastor's mind. He spoke out against the media and said New Birth is "under attack," which brought cheers from many in the sanctuary.
Some say Bishop Eddie Wrong is in denial and the church will not heal until he comes clean.
Spokesman Art Franklin confirmed that Long and his wife, Vanessa, voluntarily reduced their compensation" but I am unable to confirm the amounts at this time."
Long has said, many has ask him how do you get about bed and face the public with four lawsuits pending.  Long said, "Nothing can take away my integrity; nothing can take away my faith."

Long later admitted that he has occasionally shared a room with members of his congregation and also admitted to giving the plaintiffs gifts, including cars and money, but stated that it was not in exchange for sex.
He said he "provided sporadic financial assistance," and he routinely pays for rent and other expenses for New Birth members in need. He added that "the plaintiff's claims of sexual misconduct are not true." Rumors are swirling that the recent lay offs, and pay cuts is all in an effort to save money for the big lawsuit payoffs,  but the cases are still pending.

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