
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Halle's Race War With Gabriel: "Don't Get It Twisted"..Our Daughter IS Black!!

Halle Berry says it point blank ... her daughter is Black -- a direct message to her ex Gabriel Aubry who, according to sources, "lost it " anytime someone called Nahla Black.

Halle Berry put aside her bitter custody battle with baby daddy, Gabriel Aubry, as she gushed about the wonders of motherhood in the March issue of EBONY Magazine.

Halle says in an upcoming interview with EBONY magazine, "I feel she's Black. I'm Black and I'm her mother, and I believe in the one-drop theory." The one-drop rule was used during segregation to describe anyone who wasn't 100% Caucasian.

Both are sorta right and sorta wrong, the child is mixed.  We really wish these two settle there differences quickly for ther daughter sake, whose the innocent victim of all this self -hate.

"If Gabriel needs to find out anything about Nahla he goes through the nanny now," a source told "He and Halle are no longer speaking directly to each other.

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