
Friday, February 25, 2011

Former Homeless Man Golden Voice Ted Williams Gets A New Reality Show

That's it...I'm standing on Peachtree street with my sign and I will be singing the "Star-spangle Banner" and I won't forget the words and see how far this gets me.  Any way enough of us "Hating". 

Ted Williams' meteoric rise to fame came with an equally rapid downfall, but it seem that things are looking up for the formerly homeless man with the golden voice. TMZ reports that Williams has just inked a deal for a reality show, which will begin shooting in two weeks.

According to Williams' rep, the show, titled 'Second Chances at Life,' will follow Williams' journey from homeless man to national sensation, and perhaps even the radio announcer's recent, brief stint in rehab for substance abuse.

The show will be shot in Williams' hometown of Brooklyn; in Ohio, where he spent many years living on the streets; and in Los Angeles, where he's been cooling his heels since leaving rehab.

Williams, a voice-over artist who has used his "God given gift" to promote Kraft products and the Cleveland Cavaliers, will dedicate the second season of his reality show to helping others who need a second chance.

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