
Tuesday, January 25, 2011


 Shockingly, the Big O has a sister named Patricia. Over the past 25 years, The Oprah Show has reunited a lot of people. But this time, Oprah is the one being reunited. Hear the family secret she's been keeping for months, straight from her.

Oprah's mother, Vernita Lee, gave up the child shortly after birth because she couldn't afford to raise her. Patricia, now 47, went into foster care for seven years and was adopted at age 7.  Oprah was 9-years-old at the time Patricia was born and living in Nashville with her dad.

She didn't even know her mother, who was living in Milwaukee, was pregnant. Oprah called it "the miracle of miracles" and said the news left her "speechless".

Just before Thanksgiving 2010, Oprah received some news about her family that she says shook her to her core.  "Only a handful of people in my life know about this."

With the way the media works today, Oprah says there's no way the story wouldn't eventually get out, so she and her family made the decision to do this show. "I wanted you to hear it from me first," she says. It all starts with one woman's story...a mother from Milwaukee who discovered she's Oprah's half-sister.

Oprah sis Part 1

Oprah Sis Part 2

Video part 3 Oprah sister

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