
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Michael Jackson's Kids Watched Him Die, Witness Says

Janet Jackson arrives in court with her family at the preliminary hearing for Dr. Conrad Murray, the man accused of killing her brother. Janet Jackson all suited up with her pale cream Hermes bag had to listen to some shocking testimony. 

As Michael Jackson’s personal physician tried in vain to revive him after a drug overdose, Jackson’s children Paris and Prince entered his bedroom, a former employee testified Wednesday.

"Paris screamed, 'Daddy,' and she started crying," Alberto Alvarez, a logistics director for Jackson, recalled as Janet Jackson, listening in the audience of the Los Angeles courtroom, shook her head and Jackson’s mother, Katherine, dabbed away tears.
According to Alvarez, when Jackson's children appeared that day in June 2009, Murray shouted, "Get them out! Get them out! Don’t let them see their father like this."
At the time, Paris was 11 years old and Prince was 12. Jackson was on his back, his eyes and mouth open, as Murray gave chest compressions and attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, Alvarez says. Jackson was later declared dead at the hospital at age 50.

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