
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Victory: Judge Finds Fantasia's Married Lover Was Separated From Wife At Time Of Affair

In the ongoing saga of affairs gone bad it appears that Fantasia is not the home-wrecker that the media has made her out to be, "well kinda of sorta".  This is a major win for singer Fantasia, with a North Carolina court finding the married man who impregnated her was actually separated from his wife at the time of their love affair.

Sources have confirmed a judge ruled in favor of Antwaun Cook in his divorce proceeding against ex-wife Paula. The court found the pair’s separation date was September 14, 2009 -- not June, 2010, as Paula had claimed.

Fantasia took the witness stand in the case last month, where she admitted to having an abortion with Antwaun’s child, not long before going to court.

Paula had claimed Fantasia knew Antwaun was married and went ahead with their relationship anyway – thus the court hearings to uncover the truth. 

There’s no word yet on what effect the court decision will have on Paula’s plan to sue the singer under North Carolina’s unique Alienation of Affection law.  Fans are curious if Fantasia will accept her still married lover/Baby daddy almost back in her life??

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