
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Floyd Mayweather Accused Assualt On A Security Guard??

In and out of the ring Floyd Mayweather is a BEAST!!  Cops rolled over to Floyd Money  Mayweather's Vegas Pad last night after a private security guard claimed the championship boxer poked him in the face during an incident in Floyd's gated community.

Law enforcement snitches are saying a private security guard who was patrolling inside Floyd's gated community drove up to Floyd's house a few hours ago to confront the boxer about a parking situation.

We're told the security guard rolled down his window to talk to Floyd ... and that's when Floyd allegedly unleashed his "deadly finger" -- striking the dude in the face.  So like a little Bee-yotch the security guard called the Cops to the scene and knocked on Floyd's door -- but we're told the boxer refused to open up.

We're told since Floyd was only suspected of a misdemeanor battery -- and because the alleged incident didn't take place in front of a police officer -- cops merely took a report and did not make an arrest.

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