
Monday, September 20, 2010

Rihanna Cirque du Soleil Bachelorette Party For Kate Perry

The pop stars attended KÁ by Cirque du Soleil at the MGM Grand on Saturday (Sept. 18), posing with the colorful cast backstage. Rihanna rocked her fire red "Hair do" with skin on skin fitting white dress, while the bride to be “California Girl” wore a tiny veiled hat with the word “Bride” on it. Perry is due to marry actor Russell Brand later this year.

Rihanna B.f.f.  Katy seemed to be enjoying herself as they partied the night away after the show. “Signing up for a liver transplant now,” joked the bride-to-be after a wild night of partying  seemed to be enjoying herself. “Signing up for a liver transplant now,” joked the bride-to-be after a wild night of partying.

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